National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee

If you take a look around our world, you will witness a myriad of beings who are each ebbing and flowing out of the various ways their lives manifest, some with beauty and grandeur while others with disdain and bitterness. However, if you pay attention even just the slightest, you will experience a diverse collective of individuals and communities who have been struggling to be conscious beings of fierce compassion and just peace; building the beloved community.

Black Lives Matter demonstration in Los Angeles, CA. Photo by Mike Von on Unsplash.

From the Movement for Black Lives to Extinction RebellionCODEPINK to the Baltimore Wisdom Project, or from the Voices of Creative Nonviolence to the Brooklyn Center for Sacred Activism, there are dynamic people causing beautiful trouble through a variety of means but all utilizing methods that motivate us to noncooperate with the injustices we have now. What is noncooperation?

Noncooperation is the decisive act of refusing to engage in an a particular process, experience, or scenario. If we took even just the first two groups I mentioned, both have indeed decided to refuse engagement with the status quo, daring to disrupt through creative forms of public defiance. The Baltimore Wisdom Project also defies the status quo by empowering teens with the methods necessary for cultivating wisdom in their lives in order to be able to think beyond the norm when it comes to designing a more just world for each of us to live with.

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